Kos shelle-elye
Just to inform you I consider using davke a regular cup, maybe a whole place setting, for the 'כוס שלאלי next year, hopefully in Yerushelayem.
It's commonly called Kos shel Eliyohu because we hope for him to appear in particular, but the reason behind the whole extra cup is to be ready for a suprise guest - kol dichfen…, kol ditzrech….
As an aside, it steals the feminist Kos shel Miryem idea's thunder, and shows that this is another example of a recent reinterpretation that was even more recently (mis)interpreted as being patriarchal and subsequently still more recently fought by Doña Miriam Quixote.
It's commonly called Kos shel Eliyohu because we hope for him to appear in particular, but the reason behind the whole extra cup is to be ready for a suprise guest - kol dichfen…, kol ditzrech….
As an aside, it steals the feminist Kos shel Miryem idea's thunder, and shows that this is another example of a recent reinterpretation that was even more recently (mis)interpreted as being patriarchal and subsequently still more recently fought by Doña Miriam Quixote.
"Let all who are hungry..."
Which, if not demonstrably embodied in extra settings and extra food, may not be assumed.
wow, interesting.
i'm thinking of following that old ge'onic custom of having a fish on the seder plate for Miryam. of course, before i can put a fish there i need to find out which of the egg and the meat/bone is for Moshe, and which is for Aharon.
Surely Moshiach will come by then, and Eliyohu can bring his own cup. In the alternative, I had understood that CSE represented the disputed fifth expression of liberation, and it was therefore poured but left undrunk until such time as Eliyohu resolves the issue.
This is probably a later explanation. The four vs. five dispute is old, but not the Elyenove connexion.
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