The other day, I saw a not particularly interesting poll in a forum, where the question was roughly if the forum readers believe today's world came into existence through evolution or creation. One of the posters remarked the following:
"The bottom line is this...evolution explains how I got here, the Bible explains why I am here. I believe in one God and I accept that evolution is a part of His creative handiwork."
Never mind that the writer is a Christian, and means something different by Bible. (Or by 'one', for that matter.) Don't even focus about the part-of-handiwork part.
Pretty much the traditional balebattishe stance since the late 56th century:
Evolution explains how I got here, the Tôre explains why I'm here and how I'm to behave here.
"The bottom line is this...evolution explains how I got here, the Bible explains why I am here. I believe in one God and I accept that evolution is a part of His creative handiwork."
Never mind that the writer is a Christian, and means something different by Bible. (Or by 'one', for that matter.) Don't even focus about the part-of-handiwork part.
Pretty much the traditional balebattishe stance since the late 56th century:
Evolution explains how I got here, the Tôre explains why I'm here and how I'm to behave here.
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